Once upon a time, there were a pair of young dove who were so deep in love. A white male and a white female. They spent times together, wherever they were.

One day, the male, so eager with his power of love, took along his beloved one flying to the highest branch of the highest three in the neighborhood. The view was magnificent up there, triggering their imagination of being the king and the queen of the world. And so, the female laid her head to the male's side. They spent half day together in the branch.
Then that nightmare happened.
A grey male dove, bigger and stronger than the white male, was flying overhead. Without warning, he dove swiftly and landed perfectly to the tip of the branch where the pair were. That was just the way a male dove attract a female. Obviously, the white female was impressed by his agility. So did the grey male. He was so astonished by the beauty of the female dove. Perfect white. The most beautiful dove he had ever seen. Thus the female sold her shy glance. With full confidence, the grey male tried to approace the female. However, the white male flew forward and suddenly a fight was inevitable....
In a glance, the gray male evaded while fluttering his wings to the white male. He then flew back to his opponent with stronger fluttering and wide-spread claws, easily hit his opponent. The fight was going on in a nick of time. The white was struck hard at his head. Instantaneously, he stumbled and fell down, hitting some branches and broke his left wing along the way. Falling hard to the ground, he saw the female flew away with her new lover.
The pain was tremendously unbearable, brought him to the verge of death. Blood covered his head and body. His body was numb, and his head was aching. All of the pains, and he almost didn't feel them at all. There was a more severe pain, much more hurting than the bodily injuries, yet he hardly knew where the pain was. His heart. Yeah, his heart was so much in misery, as if half of his heart was ripped away by the female dove. Remembering her, he couldn't imagine that he would want to live for any longer, and that thought was intensified by his serious injuries.
How ironic a life could be. The higher he flew, the more beautiful the view, but the more painful if he fell down. And so he started to moan, crying out loud with his broken voice. The longer, the louder he cried.
Not far away, a brown female dove heard a suffering cry from somewhere. Pity and curiosity motivated her gentle heart, and therefore she flew to find the source. And the dawn was coming.
Then that nightmare happened.
A grey male dove, bigger and stronger than the white male, was flying overhead. Without warning, he dove swiftly and landed perfectly to the tip of the branch where the pair were. That was just the way a male dove attract a female. Obviously, the white female was impressed by his agility. So did the grey male. He was so astonished by the beauty of the female dove. Perfect white. The most beautiful dove he had ever seen. Thus the female sold her shy glance. With full confidence, the grey male tried to approace the female. However, the white male flew forward and suddenly a fight was inevitable....
In a glance, the gray male evaded while fluttering his wings to the white male. He then flew back to his opponent with stronger fluttering and wide-spread claws, easily hit his opponent. The fight was going on in a nick of time. The white was struck hard at his head. Instantaneously, he stumbled and fell down, hitting some branches and broke his left wing along the way. Falling hard to the ground, he saw the female flew away with her new lover.
The pain was tremendously unbearable, brought him to the verge of death. Blood covered his head and body. His body was numb, and his head was aching. All of the pains, and he almost didn't feel them at all. There was a more severe pain, much more hurting than the bodily injuries, yet he hardly knew where the pain was. His heart. Yeah, his heart was so much in misery, as if half of his heart was ripped away by the female dove. Remembering her, he couldn't imagine that he would want to live for any longer, and that thought was intensified by his serious injuries.
How ironic a life could be. The higher he flew, the more beautiful the view, but the more painful if he fell down. And so he started to moan, crying out loud with his broken voice. The longer, the louder he cried.
Not far away, a brown female dove heard a suffering cry from somewhere. Pity and curiosity motivated her gentle heart, and therefore she flew to find the source. And the dawn was coming.
The next morning, the male dove gained back his consciousness. What warmth was covering his body, he wondered. Then a flutter of wings was heard approaching. His blurry eyes catched a shape of shadow with blinding background. Was that an angel?Thank God, he thought. He was so sick of life. Unfortunately, as his vision got clearer, he missed his strong will of death. He saw a brown female dove, approaching him slowly, with leaves in her beak. Then she put the leaves on the male's body. Ah, leaves. That what made him warmth. Not far from him, some oats was gathered. He was bewildered by her attitude. What did she want? And thus he looked away.
His body was feeling better. He wanted to get up in no time, so he tried to gain up the strength to stand, but he failed. His body was still too weak and painful. He kept away his eyes from the female. All females were just the same, he bitterly thought. The time went by, and the night took over the day.
His body was feeling better. He wanted to get up in no time, so he tried to gain up the strength to stand, but he failed. His body was still too weak and painful. He kept away his eyes from the female. All females were just the same, he bitterly thought. The time went by, and the night took over the day.
The following day, he woke up just to find that the female was still taking care of him. Again, she gathered oats for the male.
Day by day was passing by. The male, unaware of his feeling, was starting to admire the sincerity of the female. He had been ignoring her since the first day they met, but she never showed even slightiest regret for taking care of him. She was a female that was physically simple, not so attractive for most of the male doves, but she was very caressing by nature, surprisingly even toward unfamiliar male dove.
Day by day was passing by. The male, unaware of his feeling, was starting to admire the sincerity of the female. He had been ignoring her since the first day they met, but she never showed even slightiest regret for taking care of him. She was a female that was physically simple, not so attractive for most of the male doves, but she was very caressing by nature, surprisingly even toward unfamiliar male dove.
The sun and the moon mutually swapped their shifty roles, and thanks to the female dove, the male dove's health was getting better in a quick pace. Nevertheless, his vitality was still not recovered fully. He still remembered the white female dove. Seeing him like that, the brown female hopped and flew around him. And without realized, his heart started to resonate the female's dance. He felt some strange warm feeling in his heart. Ah, he knew exactly what was that feeling. The feeling that he once cursed to death not long ago. And now, for the second time, that very same feeling was unstoppably penetrating his heart without remorse.
She was not beautiful, nor she was attractive, but she was special with a rarest sincere heart a dove could have. The inner-beauty that was claimed to exist only in a fairy-tale. Indeed, such beauty was far more calming than any other.
Then she started to flew farther, took a glance at the male as a sign to fly along with her. The male was hesitant at first, but his wings started flapping by themselves. And soon he found himself flying to catch the female's motion toward the future, without even had a thought to looking back at all.
Ever since then, with his new stronger spirit, the male dove flew along with his true love, forgetting the past, and building new tale of his life.
Ever since then, with his new stronger spirit, the male dove flew along with his true love, forgetting the past, and building new tale of his life.